4-H Youth and Development
About 4-H
The 4-H youth development program is a non-formal education program. The 4-H program provides opportunities for young people to develop leadership and management skills, positive self-esteem, effective communication skills, a solid sense of personal responsibility and the ability to make sound decisions. The life-skills learned in 4-H enable youth to become productive, well-informed, self-reliant responsible adults.
Who is responsible for the 4-H program?
The 4-H program in New Mexico is under the control of New Mexico State University, specifically the Cooperative Extension Service. Local Extension Agents coordinate county 4-H programs.
What do you do in 4-H?
4-H members attend club meetings, work on projects, participate in fairs, attend camps and workshops, and other fun activities.
Who can join 4-H?
The Eddy County 4-H program is open to anyone ages 5 to 19. Members that are 5 years old and kindergarten are classified as Cloverbuds until they reach 9 years old. Regular 4-H members range in age from 9 (or 8 and in the 3rd grade) to nineteen. Ages are based on age as of January 1st of the current 4-H year. Adults can join as volunteer leaders.
How do you join 4-H?
To join Eddy County 4-H first you need to select a club for you to join. You can either use the club directory or contact the Eddy County Extension Office. After selecting a club you will then attend their next club meeting where you will fill out an enrollment form with your information and the projects you have chosen to do.

Enrollment Information and Forms
The 4-H year begins October 1. The enrollment deadline is January 15th.
Please fill out all the required forms and turn them in to the office by 5:00 pm.
Adult volunteers must re-enroll every year to keep their background checks active.
Youth Member Enrollment Forms
All 3 forms are required for enrollment. (7 pages total)
Adult Volunteer Enrollment Forms
Eddy County Policies and Procedures
Member in Good Standing Policy
Member in Good Standing Requirements
- All members must attend 5 club meetings held during the program year. Any substitutions must be approved by the clubs organizational leader.
- Must participate in a demonstration, one 4-H community service project, and lead an activity, such as being a club officer, leading pledges, being in charge of recreation, etc., or other activities approved the clubs organizational leader, and attend one 4-H Council meeting or help with/participate in one 4-H Council function per 4-H Year.
- Must complete and turn-in a Competition Record Book or 4-H Story for each project to be considered complete.
- Members will be required to sign an annual acknowledgement of the Member in Good Standing requirements and turn-in with their enrollment form.
- A final record showing completion of member in good standing requirements will be due to the 4-H Agent by July 1st and they must have been signed by the main organizational leader(s). Members participating in 4-H rodeos, shooting sports, and/or judging must show progress towards meeting the above requirements by April 1st in order to participate in any of these activities. Members attending 4-H camps must show progress towards completing the above requirements by the registration deadline for that camp.
- These Member in Good Standing requirements must be fulfilled to be eligible to exhibit at the Eddy County Fair (both livestock and non-livestock projects), participate in 4-H judging, 4-H rodeos, shooting sports, camps, and other 4-H related activities.
4-H Newsletters
Record Books & Project Record Sheets
Record books are a very important part of your 4-H experience. In Eddy County, Competition Record books are optional; however an Eddy County 4-H Story is required.
The Eddy County Member in Good Standing policy requires members complete a 4-H Story in order to remain in good standing each year. Members must follow the 4-H Story Guidelines in order to meet this requirement. If a 4-H Story is not turned in, the 4-H member will not be allowed to re-enroll in their 4-H projects the following year. 4-H Stories are due to the Extension Office on November 1 by 5:00 pm. NO EXCEPTIONS!
The Competition Record Book requires members to complete the appropriate project record sheets, a 4-H story, and an Eddy County Report Form. Competition record books are judged and are eligible for awards, pins, and recognition.
All of the forms you will need can be found below.
Club Directory
4-H Projects
Contests & Activities
The Eddy County 4-H Program offers a variety of judging contests that 4-H members may participate in. Preparing for these contests helps to develop many necessary skills, including public speaking, decision making, and teamwork. Contests offered include livestock judging, horse judging, meat judging, parliamentary procedure, consumer decision making, home economics skill-a-thon, livestock skill-a-thon, wildlife identification, crop identification, shooting sports, wool judging, and entomology. Contest preparation begins in the spring of each year. A county contest is held each May. Novice and junior age members then attend the Southeastern District Contest. Senior age members attend the State 4-H Conference.

A variety of activities go on during the course of the 4-H year. This includes the 4-H Achievement Awards, where the achievements of 4-H members from the previous year are recognized, Novice Day Camp, New Family Orientations, Youth-Get-Away, project work days, Senior Leadership Retreat, and many other fun activities. Information on dates and deadlines for these activities can be found in the 4-H newsletter.
Eddy County Fair
Members of the Eddy County 4-H Program exhibit both livestock and indoor exhibit projects at the Eddy County Fair. The fairgrounds are located in Artesia.
Cloverbuds are an important part of the 4-H program in Eddy County. To help foster their interest in 4-H and to encourage greater participation by Cloverbuds, the Extension Office offers monthly Cloverbud meetings in Carlsbad every month. They are held on the Third Thursday of the month at 6:00 p.m. These meetings are intended as a supplement to the Cloverbuds regular club meetings. Dates and times for meetings can also be found in the 4-H Newsletter.
Leader Resources
- Leader Publications
Useful publications and information for volunteer leaders.

Wayne Shockey
1304 W. Stevens
Carlsbad, NM 88220
Phone: 575-887-6595
Fax: 575-887-3795
Email: jeshocke@nmsu.edu